Each evaluation varies based upon referral questions and presenting symptoms. However, all clinical evaluations typically involve the following phases:

Phase 1: Intake
During the intake, you will be asked questions relating to presenting symptoms, past history and goals for  assessment. It is very important to make sure that you bring all relevant medical records to this appointment, especially past neuroimaging reports and current medication regimen. This meeting typically lasts 90 minutes and lays the groundwork for planning follow-up testing, intervention, or referrals to additional specialists.

Phase 2: Testing
Testing can take anywhere from 2 - 12 hours depending on the referral question and presenting symptoms. It may be completed in one day, or may be scheduled over multiple visits depending on the circumstances. Testing is conducted in a quiet office setting and involves a combination of paper-and-pencil measures, behavioral tasks, and computer-based measures.

Phase 3: Feedback
The most important phase of evaluation is scheduled for 2-3 weeks following completion of the testing, and typically lasts 90 minutes. During this meeting, Dr. Juni will review the results of the evaluation and provide detailed feedback regarding  cognitive strengths and weaknesses, individual learning styles, diagnosis, and contributing emotional and psychological factors. The focus of the meeting is to discuss recommendations for functional improvement including, but not limited to: home/work/school accommodations, compensatory strategies, and referral for additional services as needed. At the conclusion of the meeting a detailed report is provided that outlines the findings, diagnosis and treatment recommendations.

Phase 4: Follow-up Intervention
Follow-up sessions are often provided to facilitate implementation and integration of compensatory strategies into daily routine and optimize rehabilitation outcomes and resumption of previous activities/life behaviors. A strong emphasis is also placed upon education, to help the client and their family better understand the presenting medical/psychological condition and likely symptom progression, as well as best methods of treatment and symptom control.